USA branch of Avocats Hors Québec

After delays caused by the effects of Hurricane Sandy, the USA branch of Avocats Hors Québec made its inaugural launch at a cocktail reception graciously hosted by the Délégation du Québec in New York City on February 28, 2013.

The roughly 30 attendees heard from AHQ Board members representing the USA, President Marc Porret and Corina Stonebanks, who encouraged all Barreau members to become involved in the AHQ in order to better have our otherwise disparate voices heard by the Barreau du Québec. We were joined by Mtre Nicholas Plourde, Battonier du Barreau du Québec and Mtre Catherine Pilon, Battonière de Montréal, who both expressed their interest and desire to work with the AHQ and to hear the concerns and suggestions of its members. The AHQ wishes to thank the Délégué général du Québec André Boisclair and his team, for hosting the event and for the professional and warm welcome we all received.

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